How to have a death registered in Hungary?

The relative of a deceased Hungarian citizen shall have the death registered. The application for the death registration may be submitted in person in Ottawa, in Toronto, in Montreal, in Vancouver or during extramural consular days. It can also be mailed in to the Embassy (299 Waverley Street, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0V9). There is no need to have your signature authenticated on a mailed-in application.

How much is the fee?

Death registration is free of charge. For applications submitted during extramural consular days and additional fee is levied. All consular fees are payable by debit/credit card only. We do not accept either cash or cheques.

Which form shall I fill out?

When filling out the form applied from December 1, 2022 please follow these guidelines:

  • Please fill the form out with a computer or by a blue ink pen, with block capitals.
  • Please use full names, e.g. John Thomas Smith instead of John Smith or John T. Smith.
  • When asked about the mailing of the birth certificate please ask that it is forwarded to the Embassy in Ottawa. We will mail your certificate to the Canadian address you specify.

What documents shall I submit with the application?

  • A document proving the Hungarian citizenship of the deceased person. Please send the original valid passport and/or ID card for invalidation. If you explicitly request, we will send them back along with the death certificate.
  • The original death certificate. Not all Canadian birth certificates are acceptable, especially the ones issued by funeral homes. Please refer to the list of acceptable death certificates found here.
  • Photocopies of the birth and marriage certificates of the deceased.
  • Documents proving the family status at the time of death, except if the deceased had never married.

Which Hungarian authorities are the ones responsible, where can I get more information?

The Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala (Budapest Metropolitan Government Office) is responsible for the registration of vital statistics events which happened abroad.


Death registration form